By Dr. Dale A Houseman

Mother Nature: Why is it that you think you have discovered the origin of the shape of the DNA molecule?
Father Time: I decided at a very early age that I was going to devote my mind to a complete understanding of how it happened that I arrived into existence.
Mother Nature: Just what is it that you "figured out?"
Father Time: I have deduced that the formation of the DNA molecule's helical shape is the result of atoms filling the vacuum of a confluence of a gravitational vortex trail produced by the mass of the moon and the earth as they travel in a pair around the sun.
Mother Nature: Perhaps you should explain why you believe this to be the cause of the double helical form of the DNA molecule in more specific terms.
Father Time: In many ways the explanation is simple and in many ways explaining the process is complex; probably the best method of explaining it is analogies that are familiar from everyday life. A little later in this interview, I will give a more explicit explanation in terms of the formula E=MC2. I will try to develop a few analogies and then start with the phenomenon known as the Big Bang and work from there.
First, an explanation of how a helical shape is defined: 'It is a three dimensional curve that lies on a cylinder or cone and cuts the elements at a constant angle.' That is the dictionary definition. A good example would be a common coiled spring stretched with tension and then reverts to its original shape when the stretching force is removed.
Second, an explanation of how a spiral shape is defined: "The three dimensional locus of a point moving parallel to and about a central axis at a constant or continuously varying distance, a helix". An example of a spiral shape in nature would be a cross section of the mollusk shell, the nautilus. A combination of these two definitions is a helix that follows a spiral shape. This is the shape of the DNA molecule, a spiral helix. I might add that the definition of the word 'locus' is: 'The set or configuration of all points satisfying specified geometric conditions, the position that a gene occupies on a chromosome.'
Mother Nature: What does that have to do with the earth, the moon, and the formation of the shape of the DNA molecule?
Father Time: At this point a simple explanation of the formula E=MC2 is necessary as it is essential to the explanation of this theory. The E represents energy, the M represents mass, and C represents the speed of light. This is the famous formula of Albert Einstein that relates to the equivalence of energy and mass. Before I get into a detailed discussion about its application to this theory, it is necessary to discuss cosmology and the beginnings of the universe itself, to the extent we presently understand.
People who read about the origins of the universe are familiar with the term the Big Bang. This theory is based upon the Doppler effect: an apparent change in the frequency of waves, sound or light, occurring when the source and observer approach one another and decreasing when they move apart. By observing that the motions of distant galaxies increase their distances from all other galaxies as time progresses, we can assume that galaxies always have expanded away from each other. Galaxies are composed of atoms and the space between atoms. By observing the relative speeds and directions of these galaxies, it is possible to determine the relative positions at an earlier time in space. Reversing the process back to 'zero time' or a point in space when all the galaxies would have a common origin, would indicate a location in space that would be the common origin of all atoms. Atoms are mass, possibly the result of energy that 'runs out of energy.' This conversion occurs at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second squared. This implies a source of original energy, believed by some to be the result of a random collision of two event horizons from two black holes.
This is refereed to as the Big Bang Theory. Thus the universe as we presently understand it, started with a tremendous effusion of energy that has been expanding as energy from this 'point' of origin. This energy continues to 'expand' from this point measured at the temperature of 3 degrees Kelvin, at a wave length of 7.3 centimeters, or 4080mc/s. Energy is the word used to describe the force that continues the expansion of the elements of the universe. It could be possible that when this energy 'runs out of energy', it converts into mass at the rate of change of 186,000 miles per second squared. When this point of conversion occurs, the first mass, the Hydrogen atom, forms. Hydrogen now becomes a point of mass that is a locus point of gravitational energy and begins of a series of mass additions that culminates with the heaviest natural atom, Uranium.
I believe that mentally dividing the universe into systems of logical scenarios is a convenient way to understand systems in nature. We can mentally divide the forces of the universe into 1) expansion forces, energy, and 2) contraction forces, gravity, the natural phenomenon of attraction between two masses. The contraction force, gravity, builds up the atoms, the building blocks of molecules, including DNA. Thus the force of gravity acts to form the shape of atoms and then molecules.
Think of a graph in which a curve rises, the energy curve, to point labeled C2 and then down again, the mass curve. At the top of the curve would be Hydrogen; as temperature decreases to 3 degrees Kelvin, Uranium. The Y axis being temperature, the X axis, time. The 0,0 point represents the Big Bang.
This graph presents a unique opportunity to define the word time as the difference between energy levels and the shape of a particular mass (mass defined as the equivalence of weight, as in molecular weight). A good example would be placing an ice cube in a cup and noting its shape change with increasing temperature. An essential understanding of correct definitions is important to this theory and nothing is more ambiguous in the English language than the definition of time. An aspect that is very important in any study of natural science is that the universe is cohesive. There is not one atom in the universe that is free to assume the position that it pleases. This limitation is an essential feature of the universe, and is the reasoning behind the idea that it is the intertwining of the moon's gravity trail and the earth's gravity trail that produces the shape of the helical vacuum into which the atoms that comprise the DNA molecule follow.
Mother Nature: That is very interesting. How does the formula E=MC2 fit into this theory?
Father Time: This formula equates energy and mass to be the same, that is, interchangeable. In common terms, mass could be energy that 'runs out of energy' and converts to a stable form, atoms, at the rate of change of 186,000 miles per second squared. A common example of this reaction in reverse is the atom bomb where a small amount of mass (Uranium)converts into energy. This formula allows us to think differently about the moon and the earth in that it allows each to be forms of energy, rather than forms of mass. For example, think of the earth as a round form of energy, like a soap bubble, and the moon as mass.
This allows interesting ideas to be considered. With a little imagination, lower the moon onto the earth at the North Pole. The earth, now being a soap bubble of energy, has the weight of the moon on its' surface. By slowly allowing the moon to 'indent' the surface gravity of the earth, our soap bubble now has a new shape, a shape uniformly found in biological growth in the early stages of embryological development, similar to the air chamber in a chicken egg with the shell removed. In more complex embryological development, this indentation precedes the formation of the neural groove, eventually leading to the development of the central nervous system in vertebrate animals.
I would like to get back to a little cosmology again as it is important to understand the influence of cohesiveness in the universe and its relationship to the formation of the DNA molecule. By using the logic within the formula E=MC2 certain ideas can be employed to understand better the forces within the universe. Since the universe is a force, this force can be divided into different force systems, first order force systems, second order force systems, third order force systems, etc. These can be further subdivided into first-second order force systems, second- second order force systems, etc.
The first-first order force system would be the random collision of the two event horizons of the two black holes that resulted in the effusion of energy referred to as the Big Bang: the second-first order force system. The third-second order force system would be gravity, allowing the conversion of this energy into mass, starting with the Hydrogen atom.
Now think for a moment that you are on an intergalactic mission approaching the Milky Way Galaxy. From your window you see a vast array of photons twinkling in the distance and having the shape of a spiral ending in a circular shape of darkness, the black hole in the center of our galaxy. As you scan this galaxy, you spot a local area of one Sun and nine planets.
You decide to visit this local system of mass-energy that you now call the Solar System. Deciding to concentrate your attention on this local system you report to your superiors what you have discovered. Hovering over the Solar System you decide to take some time frame photos and concentrate on the fifth largest planet and study it in terms of gravitational physics. You find that this planet called earth has a smaller mass system, the moon. The moon revolves around the earth and both revolve around the Sun. You decide that the Sun is a typical star, that is, a furnace fusing Hydrogen into Helium, with the resultant production of electromagnetic energy. You decide to stay above this triad of the Sun, earth, and moon, and use the Space-Shape Analyzer to study this system.
Mother Nature: What is a Space-Shape Analyzer?
Father Time: A Space-Shape Analyzer is a hypothetical concept in computer programming. It provides a concept of what is meant by changes in shape over time. Referring to our ice cube, when you remove it from the refrigerator it has a certain shape. When you place it in a cup, as the temperature increases over time, it's shape changes. What occurs is a change in state from a solid to a liquid as function of increasing temperature over time.
Mother Nature: Of what use is the concept of a Space-Shape Analyzer?
Father Time: A Space-Shape Analyzer can be computer program that allows us to observe how mass changes shape. According to the formula E=MC2, energy and mass are equivalent and thus can be can studied interchangeably. You can label them as earth-energy(EE), moon-energy(ME), and Sun-energy(SE).You can focus on our three energy systems and record what happens. You push the constant temperature mode so that only motion is studied and use the Sun as a reference point. Now you observe what is happening with the three energy systems. Soon you realize that a constant change of location is occurring. The earth travels in a near circular path around the Sun, and the moon travels in a helical path around the earth, always staying close to the earth at a near constant distance from it.
With the Sun as the reference point you observe the near circular path of the earth. You press the EE delete button and subtract the earth and study the path of the moon alone. It is the path of the moon in the fourth dimension that is so important to this theory.
First we note the general path and then the specific path of the moon. The general path is that of a circle, following the path of the earth. The second important aspect of the moon's path is that it forms a helical shape following the path of the earth's circular orbit. The diagram above should illustrate this shape correlation.
With our Space-Shape Analyzer, we push our Space-Shape Decoder button. We can now correlate interesting ideas with our data. We can make the earth an energy field and the moon a mass field.
Starting with the earth as an energy field and the moon a mass field, we can lower the mass of the moon upon the earth's energy field, producing a hyperbolic curve. This would be true at any point on the EE field, however we will drop the moon on the magnetic North Pole. Now let's study this shape and compare it to biological models. Biologists study the cell, the basic package of all life, and its development into the various forms and shapes of living tissues.
Mother Nature: How do you correlate this with biology?
Father Time: Imagining the earth as an Ovum, you can trace biological development according to scientific principles, especially the electromagnetic's of its' surface gravity. Biological growth and development follows fundamental principles that can be compared with established knowledge in other scientific disciplines. Tracing the growth of any multicelluar organism, starting with the Ovum, which is spherical, you can observe its division forming two daughter cells, then four, then eight, etc., on a geometric progression, and then into the mathematics of logarithmic progression. This eventual development of tissues and their shapes is called morphogenesis.
Thinking of the earth as a soap bubble of magnetic energy, we have an interesting model to work with: a round magnetic field representing the earth as an energy field, the moon as mass over the earth, and the Sun, with the black hole in the center of the galaxy pulling this system toward it. In order to correlate the general theory that atoms filling in the vortex of intertwining gravity trails of the earth and the moon that are responsible for the formation of the shape of the DNA molecule, it is helpful to show examples of the moon's influence upon biological growth patterns, which I will do in this article. One of the tenets of this theory is based upon the model of DNA as a double helix and the shape of the path of the moon around the earth producing confluence of intertwining gravity trails into which atoms follow, producing the double helix of DNA.
Suppose that instead of a round earth, our Space-Shape Analyzer computes a series of round earth's forming a circle around the Sun, making the pattern of a continuous circles of mass-spheres. By having the moon also a continuous series of mass-spheres following its path around these earth spheres, we have an analogy of a braided rope, with a large and small strand. If we miniaturize this model down to the size of molecules, we have a double helix of atoms, the shape of the DNA molecule.
Mother Nature: That makes sense. However, it does not prove that the formation of DNA occurred because of the rotation of the moon around the earth and their intertwining gravity trails.
Father Time: Thinking in terms of electromagnetic's, we find that the stream of electromagnetic particles being emitted by the Sun interacts with the iron core of the earth producing the Magneto sphere. This field of energy is shaped like a teardrop with the tail extending downwind from the Sun, and is pulled eventually into the black hole. The inner zone of this field consists of high energy protons and reaches a maximum intensity at 3000 miles outward from the earth. The outer zone consists of high energy electrons that are strongly affected by activity on the Sun, with a maximum intensity at 10,000 miles behind the earth. Using the path of the center of the earth as a circle around the Sun, let's trace out the path of the moon's gravity trail through this downwind field of protons and electrons as they are pulled toward the black hole. We find the helical gravity trail of the moon and earth effecting this mixture of electrons and protons. Since gravity overwhelms the electric force, this gravity trail produces a force that the protons and electrons must follow. The mass of the moon produces a disturbance 'downwind' in the Magnetosphere's tail. Thus the trailing gravity fields of the earth and the moon affect the locations of the electrons and protons, producing a 'mold' into which these subatomic elements are forced together.
Mother Nature: How does this concept integrate into biological systems?
Father Time: It is an unappreciated fact that magnetism affects biological growth and development in all living systems, starting with the first cell, the Ovum, and its atoms. Using this hypothetical model of biological activity, many parallels correlating the near 28 day cycle of the moon with biological cycles have previously been documented.
If we think of this earth-ovum model as a round energy field with magnetic lines of longitude and latitude, and compare it to the process of mitosis, we have a very interesting model. Mitosis is the sequential differentiation and segregation of replicating chromosomes in the cell nucleus that precedes cell division. Thinking of the earth-ovum as a soap bubble with magnetic lines from the South Pole to the North Pole, we can examine the process of mitosis with atoms following these magnetic lines, implicating the role of the moon in biological development.
The uninterrupted flow of electromagnetic particles from the Sun to the surface gravity magnetics of the earth is blocked by the presence of the moon. This occurs especially during a total eclipse. If we place the moon directly between the Sun and the earth, we block this flow of electromagnetic energy from the Sun, producing a net implosion effect upon the surface gravity magnetics of the earth. Were we to send the moon down to the surface of the earth, we would produce a hyperbolic depression, which the earth's surface gravity magnetics would follow.
Now let's use the iron core of the earth to represent the nucleus of the cell and follow the process of mitosis, the genetic operation in which DNA replicates itself as the Ovum divides into the first two daughter cells. At the beginning of this process, the centrioles start to migrate toward the top and bottom of the nucleus, following the lines of longitude. Spindle fibers form between the centrioles, following patters of magnetic lines of longitude and latitude, with the centrioles giving off short radiating fibers called asters. ( It's a little far out to think so, however I believe these aster formations link the distant gravitational influences of constellations to chromosomal formation, making the connection between astrology and biology.) During this phase the nuclear material, called chromatin, shortens and thickens to form distinct chromosomes as highly coiled structures with each chromosome having a center called a centromere. During the next stage, Metaphase, each chromosome links at a 90 degree angle at its centromere to the longitudinal line of the spindle at the equatorial center of the cell. Each half of the chromosome, called a chromatid, lies roughly parallel to each other in a north-south direction. In the next stage, Anaphase, the centromeres divide. This allows the sister chromatids to separate, moving to opposite ends of the spindle, insuring that each daughter cell receives a copy of each chromosome. During the last phase, Teleophase, the nuclear envelope reforms around the chromosomes which dissembles into chromatin. This basic process of mitosis gives an analogy of atoms in DNA to follow the rules of electromagnetism on a sphere. Part of this theory, concerning the role of the moon blocking the electromagnetic flow from the Sun, thus affecting the surface gravity electromagnetic's of the earth, is one example in biological models that give credence to this theory.
I might add that this analogy can be transformed to any force that interferes with the electromagnetic dynamics of atoms with any of the intracellular processes. Most disease processes are due to the interruption of the magnetic flow of electron systems within the cell itself, leading to aberrations in other systems within the cell. This is why so much medical research is wasted looking for a physical cause when aberrations within the cells are electron transfer systems.
Mother Nature: That is all very interesting. Do you have any other examples of this phenomenon?
Father Time: One of the first concepts that biology students learn is called 'differentiation'- the separation of tissues into layers into various tissues and organs. After sufficient numbers of cells form, three distinct layers of tissues emerge referred to as ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm.
The pattern that these tissues form through evolution is very consistent with the role of the moon indenting the surface gravity of the earth. If we were to 'roll' the moon directly down a straight line from the Sun onto the North Pole of the earth toward the black hole, we would produce a hyperbolic indentation upon the surface gravity of the earth. If we think of the first ovum being formed between the moon on the earth's surface, any cellular development would have to form between these two forces. Since this does not actually occur, we have to use some imagination to understand this process.
After a certain number of daughter cells have formed, they form into a hollow sphere, referred to as the morula. The next process of development is called gastrulation, in which the hollow sphere of cells develops a depression and the invaginates, much like a basketball being deflated and being pushed together. The inner layer of cells becomes the endodermal layer, the outer layer remains as the ectodermal layer of cells. As this process continues, a new layer, the mesoderm, develops between them. The system of cells grow into a circle with a small opening called the blastopore.
This background information is necessary to understand the role of the moon in these stages of embryological development. It is in the stage of the formation of the mesodermal layer and the neural groove that this becomes clearer.
The neural groove, produced by the indentation of the moon on the earth's surface, is the precursor of the central nervous system, and the shape that it takes is most interesting in the evolutionary development of vertebrates. These cells grow around the force and shape of the moon. Were the earth flat, rolling the moon across it would produce a groove similar to this shape. The eventual form that this tissue layer becomes, the brain tissue, grows toward the Sun, with the tail section toward the black hole. Of interest is the permanent hollow tube within the spinal cord, the central canal. This is due to the blockage of the electromagnetic flow from the Sun onto the earth's surface gravity electromagnetic force field by the moon.
Mother Nature: If this theory is correct, how do you account for the changes in DNA that have produced the different forms and shapes in the evolutionary cycle through the millenniums of time?
Father Time: I believe that the possibility of the changes in libration of longitude and latitude of the moon as it travels around the earth produces a near infinitesimal change in it's gravity trail that affects the formation of DNA. This is why evolutionary changes are so slow in occurring. Additionally, mass accumulates mass, and in this way acquires characteristics it's own. An examination of the human brain and skull show remarkable similarities to the Van Allen radiation belts that surround the earth. The inner zone, composed of high energy protons, corresponds with the base of the corpus callosum. Between the inner and outer zones is the 'Slot', a region of minimally charged particles, corresponds to the hollow area in the brain tissue called the septum pellucidum. The outer zone, containing many high energy electrons, corresponds to the superior portion of the Corpus Callosum. Extending outward is the main body of the human brain, the right and left cerebral cortex. Below the corpus callosum lies the most primitive and powerful of the portions of the brain, the pineal body, the pituitary gland, etc. The central nervous system literally grows into this magnetic field surrounding the earth. The skull bones also reflect these radiation zones, with the parietal bones having distinct lower and upper bony ridges. Bone tissue, being a crystal of calcium and phosphorus, follows the lines of magnetic force and form according to the principles of the physics of electron flow of these lines.
I would like to conclude this article with a quotation from the Chinese Book of Changes: "Sun and Moon have heaven and can therefore shine forever. If we meditate on what gives duration to a thing, we can understand the nature of heaven and all beings."
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