Fatbikerafting the Arctic by Andrew Badenoch — Kickstarter

Here is the stuff of Alaskan Legend.  It’s the stuff of childhood dreams – that is if you had dreams to “do epic stuff”.  Lord knows I did and I think everyone can relate somewhat to.  Read of on Andrew Badenoch’s quest on ‘Fatbikerafting the Arctic’ Kickstarter page and listen to him talk it up on ‘Latest in Paleo’ podcast.

I’m tuning in.

From Kickstarter page:

All I want is to do epic stuff across the face of our amazing planet, then tell you about it so you can do the epic stuff you want to do. Is that so much to ask?

In the last week of March 2012, I’m heading north to the Arctic Ocean on foot, fatbike, and packraft. The estimated duration of the expedition is 6-8 months, but may vary significantly due to ice, ocean, and ground conditions throughout.

  • 7,000 Miles
  • 7 Rivers
  • Zero Fuel
  • 2 Oceans
  • 4 Mountain Ranges
  • ANWR

The project is a film documenting the adventure. It would be naivete or hubris to pitch you a plotline before I’ve left. I’m confident that my mind will be sufficiently blown, and I’ll do my best to translate that into something that will inspire others to experience the sublimity of wildness and wilderness.

via Fatbikerafting the Arctic by Andrew Badenoch — Kickstarter.

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Is the Aurora happening tonight?

It’s a verifiable fact that the Alaskan Winter is cold and dark.  The average January low temperature in Valdez is cold and in the Copper River valley REALLY cold.  If you don’t mind the cold, the dark might drive you crazy. No, I’m serious.  Look up seasonal affective disorder.  It’s no joke.

But the winter is awesome.  Awesome get over used and probably cliche.  But the Alaskan winter is ‘awesome’ – jaw dropping, spine tingling, mind blowing awe inspiring Alaskan Winter.

And, like most Alaskan stuff that’s awesome – it’s certainly not the man-made stuff.  Although, a mid-winter house party or backyard bonfire or Bear Tooth Concert are pretty cool.  They really don’t match up with the natural wonders the winter has in store.

Let’s see – Horefrost, the way headlines look in ice fog along the Richardson Highway, epic snowdays inside, snow shoveling for money, Sundogs, broadies in icy parking lots, late sunrises, early sunsets, long long nights, the list goes on…

And, the cool thing is that -different than the summer – the experiences are for you and your close friends. The whole state feels empty.  It’s like you are in the amusement park after closing.

One of my favorite natural wonders of the Alaskan winter is the Aurora.  What a crazy cool thing.  It’s part science fiction, part storm chasers, part late night party.

I remember being awakened (awoken?) in the middle of the night.  My brother is standing there with a big grin and a sleeping bag.  “The lights are out” he says.  Minutes later, I’m standing in the parking lot – damp sorels on my feet and sleeping bag draped over the shoulders of my heaviest coat.  There is a green cloud shifting around on the northern horizon above the Valdez Town mountain.

It was the first time I’d seen the northern lights.  Our small group wandered over to some other folks across the street – they were whistling and clapping to call up the show.  In low voices you can hear things like “dead ancestors”, “solar wind”, “ionosphere”, and “H-A-R-R-P project”.  A very cool Alaskan experience.

I went on to really enjoy the aurora and saw it many times.  On the back poach at parties, driving over the pass at night, out in McCarthy, from the plane – that’s pretty cool.

So, Is the aurora happening tonight?  Check the Geophysical Institute from Fairbanks:

Aurora Forecast | Geophysical Institute.

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Four New Blogs Added to the Blogroll

Hey Everyone!  Four new blogs on the blogroll today, which is Chinese New Year 2012 – The Year of the Dragon!  Xīn Nián Kuài Lè

Living The Dream

In Deep (Alaska)


ProudLine Productions
Steep skiing, boarding and climbing at Thompson Pass, Chugach Mountains – Valdez Alaska

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Snow Town USA: Valdez, Alaska

Valdez is living up to the hype this season.  Epic, massive snowfall has smothered the town.  The annual average snowfall is 305.8 inches. The record is from the 1989-90 season with 560.7 inches.  This year Valdez has reached 300 inches today, and it’s still falling.

My brother was there in ’89 and he would tell stories of walking around the town like a rat in a maze. 

6 foot high snowbanks lined the streets and walk ways

Valdez (new town) was designed to handle snow – the streets can be cleared easily because the main neighborhoods all back up to the ‘Park strip’.  There is an army of snow removal folks.  Bobcats, trucks with plows, guys with shovels climbing roofs. 

Don’t forget to shovel your boat at the Valdez Small Boat harbor – My friend’s 34′ Chris Craft sank there in the winter of ’98.  We found is hanging of the dock cleats.

Skiers and Snowsports folks are happy.

And, actually, it’s kinda nice to be hunkered down in snowy Valdez.  All is quiet, except for the beeping of the snow removal equipment.  People come together to do things and it’s a real experience.

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Welcome to Alaskagold.com’s Alaskan Blogroll

Because the real Alaska gold is the people who live, work and play in this great state, I thought it might be cool to introduce you to some of them through the magic of RSS and Blogs.

Many of these blogs are classics –  from over ten years ago.  If you find one that is no longer being updated, please let me know.  Likewise, if you think I should include one here that isn’t listed, please let me know.

Go forth and explore – it’s the Alaskan Way.




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