I'm glad you're viewing
my web page. I think you'll find things in here that are not on any otherweb
site -
just information, but a key to experience....
Whether you want to
go on a nature walk, hike, backpack trip or expedition, on land, sea or
ice. From zero elevation to 19,000 ft; from climbing ice to rafting down
rivers; from 1 day to 24 days - I can show you things, and take
you places that you might never thought possible. It doesn't matter if
you are a beginner or expert, all you have to do is give me the opportunity
to make it happen.

Whether you use my
service or not, I can at least point you in the right direction and open
up Alaska for you. I do this because of the love I have for the "wild-ness"
that lurks in everyone's hearts. I want to make it accessible to those
who have the desire and the fire that cannot be quenched.
on the small images to see Richard's Slideshow